#230 Tammy Jordan —Putting it Together - Plying a Perfectly Balanced Yarn Half day Thursday pm $50

#230  Tammy Jordan —Putting it Together - Plying a Perfectly Balanced Yarn      Half day Thursday 1-4pm  Bldg 9 North   $50 Skill level:  Intermediate Workshop Description: Have you ever wanted to ply the perfect yarn? Is your plying coming out under-spun or over-energized? Then this class is perfect for you! In...

#230  Tammy Jordan —Putting it Together - Plying a Perfectly Balanced Yarn     

Half day Thursday 1-4pm  Bldg 9 North   $50

Skill level:  Intermediate

Workshop Description: Have you ever wanted to ply the perfect yarn? Is your plying coming out under-spun or over-energized? Then this class is perfect for you! In this three-hour interactive class, we'll talk about different types of plying and what methods are best for various applications, Then we’ll spin and learn how to ply a perfectly balanced yarn using some handy tips and tricks I've learned along the way! This class is open to all spinners who are already able to spin a consistent single and know the basics of how to ply.

Students should bring:  Students should bring their own spinning wheel in good working order, items to care for their wheel (oil and maintenance kit), three empty bobbins, and a lazy kate, along with a willingness to have fun and learn. This is not a wheel mechanics or repair class.

Homework:  Wheels must be in good working order and ready to use the day of class.  Students should already be able to spin a consistent single.

Material Fee  $15  Includes 2-3oz of prepared spinning fiber (we’ll all be spinning the same fiber to keep everything consistent), a WPI measuring tool, and a resource guide filled with handouts, information, tips, and tricks. .

Class Limit:  10

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