Teach a Workshop!
It's time to start planning MFF 2025! Festival Dates: August 13-17, 2025
Our 2025 workshops have been selected!
Would you like to teach a workshop at Michigan Fiber Festival? The festival accepts applications from both experienced and new instructors. We would love to see interesting and new ideas!
All proposals are reviewed and considered. We offer half day and full day workshops.
We prefer to receive your workshop proposals via Google Forms. Here's how to apply:
1. Click HERE to read the Instructor Guidelines.
2. Email the following jpeg photos (or attach to your forms) to staff@michiganfiberfestival.info:
-a photo of yourself to be used for promotion on our website; subject line: bio pic
-at least two photos for each workshop proposed; subject line: (workshop name) pic.
(We suggest a separate email for each proposal.)
3. Click HERE to complete the Instructor Information Google Form.
4. Click HERE to complete a Proposal Google Form for each class proposed. All fields are required; if something does not apply to your workshop (like “homework”) simply enter NA.
If you have any questions or require paper forms please email: staff@michiganfiberfestival.info
or call/text 269-948-2497