#203 Katja Szrarafinski - Simply Dyeing from the Michigan Garden Full day Thursday $100

#203 Katja Szrarafinski - Simply Dyeing from the Michigan Garden    Full day Thursday  9am-4pm    Bldg 7 South  $100 Skill level:  All Levels Welcome Workshop Description: We will dye local fibers, with garden flowers, roots, leaves and skins, using hot and cold methods. Katja will choose from Japanese Indigo...

#203 Katja Szrarafinski - Simply Dyeing from the Michigan Garden    Full day Thursday  9am-4pm    Bldg 7 South  $100

Skill level:  All Levels Welcome

Workshop Description: We will dye local fibers, with garden flowers, roots, leaves and skins, using hot and cold methods. Katja will choose from Japanese Indigo leaves, Dahlia , Marigold , St. John's Wort blossoms, Madder and Rhubarb roots and other garden treasures to bring a range of color to this workshop. 

Students should bring: Comfortable clothes for weather and participation. Optional: a maximum of 8oz of clean fiber from their own animals.

Homework:   Optional: Prepare a sunny spot to plant a dye plant.

Material Fee: $40 Includes:  Fiber, live plants, seeds

Class Limit:  12

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