#304 Amy Tyler – Beginning Spinning on a Wheel Full day Friday $100

#304  Amy Tyler – Beginning Spinning on a Wheel    Full day Friday 9am-4pm  Bldg 9 South $100 Skill level: Beginner Workshop Description: In this workshop, participants will be introduced to the marvelous craft of spinning yarn on a spinning wheel.  We will cover the parts and workings of the...

#304  Amy Tyler – Beginning Spinning on a Wheel    Full day Friday 9am-4pm  Bldg 9 South $100

Skill level: Beginner

Workshop Description: In this workshop, participants will be introduced to the marvelous craft of spinning yarn on a spinning wheel.  We will cover the parts and workings of the spinning wheel, and we will spin “singles” yarn from wool rovings.  We will then ply those singles into a 2-ply yarn.  We will cover the basics of fiber preparation and yarn finishing.  Participants will leave with a completed skein of their own handspun yarn.

Participants should bring: a spinning wheel that works with at least one bobbin; ball winder optional

Homework: None

Material Fee: $25  Includes samples for examination, fibers for spinning, notebook with handouts, sundry supplies

Class Limit: 10

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