#232 Robin Goatey —Spindles of the World: The Neolithic, Paleolithic & Celtic La Tena Forms Half day Thursday 1-4pm $50

#232 Robin Goatey —Spindles of the World: The Neolithic, Paleolithic & Celtic La Tena Forms   Half day Thursday 1-4pm   Pavilion South  $50 Skill level:  Intermediate  Workshop Description: This class will explore the Ceramic Whorl Form Spindle based on an ancient 9000 year old model from Mesopotamia, the Whorl used in...

#232 Robin Goatey —Spindles of the World: The Neolithic, Paleolithic & Celtic La Tena Forms   Half day Thursday 1-4pm   Pavilion South  $50

Skill level:  Intermediate 

Workshop Description: This class will explore the Ceramic Whorl Form Spindle based on an ancient 9000 year old model from Mesopotamia, the Whorl used in Prehistory and by the far Northern Norse Cultures during the Viking Era & the Metal Whorls used by the Romans & Celtic La Tene cultures, plus lots of information from Archaeology about the cultures that used them.

Students should bring: May bring additional fiber to practice spinning.

Homework:  None

Material Fee: $40  Includes: Spindle Kit that includes one Whorl and one Spindle Stick; some fiber for practice

Class Limit:  15

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